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Best Practices for Consumer Mobile Engagement | Part 2: Prepare

09 April 2021

Ready the mobile app(s).

PART 1: Enhance
PART 2: Prepare
PART 3: Implement
PART 4: Maintain


APPS: Ready the mobile app(s).

Digimarc Barcode can only be scanned by apps that have integrated the Digimarc Mobile Software Development Kit (SDK).

If you already have a mobile app...

If you don’t have a mobile app...

In addition to a consumer app, Digimarc Barcode and the Digimarc Mobile SDK can be used for business and operational purposes such as an employee app used for inventory management. For many brands, app updates can necessitate working with a developer or third-party app development agency. Coordination takes time and should be considered in advance.

PROMOTION: Promote scannability within the app.

Once your app has been activated, drive attention to the functionality. Promote the feature, highlight in the navigation or on the main screen, and use notifications or alerts to educate users. For example, a barcode icon can help call attention to the capabilities.

ICONOGRAPHY: Maintain a consistent scanning icon.

Successful brands use small symbols – icons frequently depicting mobile phones and/or radio waves – communicate to customers: Use your phone to scan and learn more. For the best outcome, use simple icons and clear language that is fast and easy to understand – and fun to use.

INSTRUCTIONS: Communicate how to scan.

Do you know how to scan? Simple instructions work best. For clear consumer instructions, consider the following best practices:

Examples of simple instructions include:

INCENTIVES: Offer compelling incentives to entice consumers.

What would entice you to read and scan the creative? Everyone is a consumer; keep yourself in mind for a successful user experience. A specific call-to-action (CTA) works best. Highlight the incentive (e.g., instant coupons, exclusive access, promotional prizes, loyalty/rewards, “mobile shopper’s discount club”). Keep the CTA as clear and concise as possible, but make it as prevalent and prominent as possible. Use specific, not generic, language.

MARKETING: Launch a consumer awareness campaign.

Enhance multiple marketing materials, including magazines, circulars, in-store signage, and print and broadcast ads, with ready-to-scan content. By making all of your communications “scannable,” you can eventually turn every brand impression into an opportunity for engagement, activation and commerce. Customers will come to expect it, especially if the experience is fun and captivating.

We recommend starting with smaller campaigns or pre-existing content focused on specific items such as seasonal products.

CONTENT: Deliver useful information to customers.

Compelling content encourages shoppers to continue scanning and spread the word. By delivering instructional videos, product reviews, recipes, nutrition information, coupons or other content, “scannable” packaging gives brands the opportunity to deliver transparency, build brand loyalty, drive repeat purchases and enter into a dialogue with consumers.

DATA: Power your connected packaging with access to real-time information.

Gather the information and prepare the data necessary to provide greater product details (e.g., ingredients, origin, sustainability, etc.). In addition, consider asking suppliers to provide additional product data in the future.

TRAINING: Educate employees about how to use technology and encourage shoppers to explore.

You already train your staff to deliver great customer service; make sure that employee training extends to your brand’s consumer technology.

STAFFING: Ensure your organization is staffed to manage new mobile responsibilities.

Determine whether your organization has the resources necessary to maintain the mobile app and integrate software updates. Consider the appropriate creative roles (e.g., writers, designers) to create new compelling content and leverage existing

LEGAL: Determine how best to inform shoppers about terms of use and other details.

Embarking on a mobile engagement campaign offers opportunities to update End-User License Agreements (EULAs) and inform customers about the information your business tracks, uses and shares. Today’s shoppers are savvy about their rights and leery of potential privacy concerns, and sharing specifics with them will often win their trust. Digimarc’s mobile software does not capture or record content, nor does it track any personally identifiable information.

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