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Digimarc Technical Glossary

08 December 2023

This glossary lists the terms and definitions related to Digimarc digital watermarks and associated documentation. This glossary is intended to be a global reference for all important terminology.

How to Use This Glossary

This glossary is intended to be a companion document for Digimarc technical specifications and guidelines and provide consistency across Digimarc product documentation. Because Digimarc technology is new to the AIDC industry, it introduces new terms to explain how to construct and measure the quality of the Digimarc digital watermark data carrier. Readers will find it helpful to consult this glossary as a reference for terms in Digimarc specifications and guidelines. This glossary also includes relevant terms from barcode standards and the image processing field useful in understanding Digimarc digital watermark technology.

Normative References


2-Dimensional Symbologyoptically readable symbols that must be examined both vertically and horizontally to read the entire messageTwo-dimensional symbols include two types: matrix symbols and multi-row symbols. Two-dimensional symbols commonly have error detection and may include error correction features. Digimarc digital watermarks have some similar properties to two-dimensional matrix symbols.GENSPECS
Access Rolea permission template that can be assigned to an Application User or group of users EVRYTHNG
Accountthe first resource encountered on the EVRYTHNG Platform is an account, which is created when you sign up for a free account

This is needed for you to login to the Dashboard and send requests to our API. All the resources (Thngs, products, applications) you create are stored and linked in your account.

Each account has a unique Operator API key.

Actionan event sent to the Platform on behalf of a user in an application on a Thng or product, at a given place and time

For example, when a product is scanned or an 'on' command is sent to a device.

Actions can be used to record the activity of users within applications.

Action Typean action type can be regarded as the class of an individual action, much in the same way that a product is used to model the class of individual serialised Thngs

An Operator can define action types for an account.

When defining these action types, it's possible to add specific custom fields in order to customize these actions on the Dashboard.

Active Digital Identity (ADI)a permanent and globally unique cloud resource that holds information about a physical object or Thng in the form of dynamic and static attributes.For example, an ADI can encompass a unique Thng, and all its attributes, properties, and history.EVRYTHNG
API Keya string that allows authenticated access to the Platform and its features through the APIOn the EVRYTHNG Platform, there are five kinds of API keys:
  • Operator key
  • Application key
  • Application User key
  • Trusted Application key
  • Device key
Applicationrepresents a web or native client that interacts with the EVRYTHNG PlatformDevelopers can create multiple applications inside their projects.EVRYTHNG
Application Identifier (AI)numeric prefix code used to attribute meaning to data encoded within a barcode symbolAside from denoting the meaning, this prefix also indicates the format of the data that follows it (data field). There are AIs for identification, traceability, dates, quantity, measurements, locations, and many other information types.GENSPECS
Application Ratings5-star quality rating system to help users select and compare an artwork's suitability for specific uses DMRC
Application Userthe end users of your applicationsApplications can create Application Users that are unique to each application. Unlike Operators, Application Users have no direct access to the EVRYTHNG API or Dashboard.EVRYTHNG
Art Element

individual component (for example, layer) of artwork or a graphic

Artworkelements of design and text that makeup packaging, labels, or other visual media, in which a Digimarc digital watermark is or will be included  
Attribute Datadata that provides additional information about a product identified with a GS1 identification key, such as batch/lot number and serial number, associated with a primary key like the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or another GS1 key. Attribute data can be encoded in GS1 element string and GS1 Digital Link URI syntax GS1GUIDE
Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC)methods of machine identification of objects, including collecting data about them and entering such data directly into computer systemsTechnologies typically considered as part of AIDC include barcodes, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), biometrics (like iris and facial recognition systems), magnetic stripes, optical character recognition (OCR), smart cards, and voice recognition. 
Barcodegeneric term for an optically machine-readable pattern that encodes data in a way that is generally not recognizable to human observationBarcodes include one-dimensional symbols that encode data into a machine-readable pattern of adjacent, varying width, parallel, dark rectangular bars and pale spaces, and 2-Dimensional Symbols that encode data in the X and Y-axes (sometimes referred to as a 2D barcode), for example, in the case of a QR Code, Data Matrix, and Digimarc digital watermark. 
Batchallows the creation of many Thngs at once on the EVRYTHNG Platform EVRYTHNG
Binary Enhancementenhancement technique in which Digimarc digital watermark is formed into a pattern of individual dots of a contrasting color distributed into an area of solid colorBinary enhancement may be either positive or negative. A positive pattern comprises dark dots on a lighter background. A negative pattern comprises light dots or holes in a darker background.DMRC
Binary Imagedigital image that has only two possible values for each pixelTypically, the two colors used for a binary image are black and white but can be a spot color and contrasting color. The color used for the object(s) in the image is the foreground color, while the rest of the image is the background color. Binary images are also called bi-tonal, bi-level, or two-level. 
Binary Patternform of Digimarc digital watermark comprised of a sparse pattern of dotsfka Sparse markDMRC
Call To Action (CTA)text, graphics, or iconography intended to induce a viewer to perform a specific act, typically taking the form of an instruction or directive related to scanning with a mobile device  
Check Digitdigit added to a string of numbers for error detection purposes, typically computed from the other digits in the string GENSPECS
Chrominance (Chroma)signal used in image systems to convey the color information of a picture separately from luminanceSee Luminance 
Chrominance Enhancementmethod of creating artwork in which a Digimarc digital watermark is applied by modifying values of pixels in an art element so that the changes in the art element are primarily in chrominance, apart from luminance

See Luminance Enhancement

Chrominance enhancement is applied in the MY, MYK, or CMYK channels. Chrominance modification in different channels is designed to minimize luminance changes so that changes are primarily in chrominance, to which the human visual system is less sensitive.

Coarse Scaleratio between the effective image resolution and the printed resolution of a Digimarc digital watermark

By defining a coarse scale for a block, you are configuring the block for a specific resolution of the Digimarc digital watermark signal. This effective resolution is a result of the sensor resolution, the lens, scanning distance, and the printed resolution of Digimarc digital watermarks. The ratio between the effective image resolution and the printed resolution of Digimarc digital watermark determines the preferred coarse scale.

The coarse scale value for a block applies downsampling to that part of the input image. A coarse scale of 1 results in no downsampling while a coarse scale of 3 results in 3:1 downsampling.

Collectiona group of Thngs (or a group of other collections)Collections can be created by various users, and the same Thng can be in more than one collection.EVRYTHNG
Color Channelpixels storing intensity information for each component color in an imageDigital images commonly have plural color channels - one for each component color. For example, the CMYK color model used in a four-color process ink image has four channels: cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. 
Color Management Modelalgorithm that defines how color image data from one device should be understood by a different device to assure color consistency in their outputsSee ICC Profile 
Color or Ink Separationsprocess in which color images are separated into color channels for printing  
Color Space Conversionchanging the representation of a color from one color space (for example, RGB) to another (for example, CMYK)aka color transformation 
Color Weightsnumeric parameters that affect how Digimarc digital watermark is applied to or recovered from color channels of an image

During enhancement, the color weights spread Digimarc digital watermark into specific color channels. The parameter for Adaptive Color Type controls which of the models is applied.

During detection, the color weights are used to assemble Digimarc digital watermark components for decoding from its representation in different color channels.

Common Payload Model (CPM)structured model for representing all types of Digimarc payloadsConstructed from a named synchronization signal, a named message key, and a protocol version followed by the payload (user-encoded data) representation. Together, these describe the complete context of a Digimarc payload.DMRC
Coverage Areaquality metric representing the of an enhanced region that exceeds a fidelity score threshold DMRC
Coverage Detection Mapa two-dimensional array of fidelity scores of fidelity blocks located at uniformly spacedthat provides a visualization of the locations where Digimarc digital watermark is detected, and its robustness at each locationSee Fidelity Block, Fidelity Point, Fidelity ScoreDMRC
Coverage Scoreaverage Fidelity Score over a selected region

See Fidelity Score

It indicates how reliably this region of Digimarc digital watermark scans, on a scale of 0 - 100.

CPM Patha string comprising payload in a data carrier and its metadataa string of characters representing payload metadata that describes attributes of the Digimarc digital watermark (Digimarc’s Common Payload Model (CPM)), prepended to the payload, used in:
  • encoding a Digimarc digital watermark
  • output from reading a Digimarc digital watermark
  • determining the PayoffUrl
The CPM path syntax is used throughout the Digimarc software stack, from encoding to decoding to resolving.
CRC (cyclic redundancy check)method of detecting (but not correcting) accidental changes to dataSee Error Correction Coding 
Custom fieldsdeveloper-defined attributes of a resource, stored in the `customFields` fieldSee https://dashboard.evrythng.comEVRYTHNG
Dashboardthe web interface manipulation of your account and all resources that belong to it EVRYTHNG
GS1 DataBar Expandedcompact 1D or stacked barcodes that can hold additional product attributes such as the weight of fresh foodsThe GS1 DataBar family consists of seven symbols: four for use at point-of-sale and three not for use at the point of sale.GENSPECS
Decoderecovery of an encoded message from enhanced packaging artwork or printing DMRC
Decodersoftware and or hardware module configured to decode a barcode message GENSPECS
Default Frontside of a retail consumer trade item that is used as a starting point to capture dimensional attributes for data alignment GENSPECS
Detectprocess of finding, geometrically aligning, and extracting a payload from a Digimarc digital watermark in an image DMRC
Devicea web-connected Thng, such as a smart plug socket (as opposed to a Thng, which is identified with a 2D printed code) EVRYTHNG
Digimarc Barcode

see Digimarc Digital Watermark

Digimarc Barcode Countcoverage area divided by tile size rounded up to the nearest integer

See Coverage Area and Tile

75WPI Example:

10in2of 75WPI coverage area
= 10in2/(128W/75WPI)^2)
= 4 Digimarc digital watermarks

150WPI Example:
10in2of 150WPI coverage area
= 10in2/(128W/150WPI)^2)
= 14 Digimarc digital watermarks

Digimarc Digital Watermarknovel data carrier that encodes data in media in ways that are generally imperceptible to people, permitting the carrier to be repeated many times over the surface of the Enhanced media. It delivers unprecedented ease of use, reliability, and efficiency in identifying the media due to massive mathematical and graphical redundancy. Formerly called Digimarc BarcodeAlternate definition: two-dimensional optical data carrier comprised of spatially repeated tiles integrated into artwork in a manner that is generally imperceptible to the human eye but detectable to enabled camera-based scanners and mobile applications.DMRC
Digimarc Platforma suite of software and services constructed from Identification, Discover(y), IOT Services, and Quality Management for creation and orchestration of automatic identification solutions, enabling developers to create digital identities for media objects and facilitate coordination of end-users and partners DMRC
Digimarc Product Digitization Platformthe cloud-based platform offered by Digimarc for digitizing products and tracing the interactions with them to create new insights into how physical products are produced, distributed, and used by consumers EVRYTHNG
Digimarc QC Details Legendcolor pattern added to a package's artwork indicating which separations have been enhanced

fka Digimarc Enhancement Legend (DEL)

The Digimarc QC Details Legend is placed outside the crop marks, similar to a color bar. It reminds press personnel of basic QC processes and instructs them not to mix color separations from different packages.

Digital Assessmentanalysis of computer-generated artwork to validate the accuracy of the encoded data and to evaluate the quality of a Digimarc digital watermark DMRC
Digital Identityinformation on an entity used by computer systems to represent an external agent, which may be a person, organization, application, device, or itemISO/IEC 24760-1 defines identity as a "set of attributes related to an entity." 
Data Carriera physical tag that can be applied to a physical product and create a digital connection to the product's Digital Twin in the Digimarc Illuminate platform, for example, QR code, digital watermark, or NFC chip EVRYTHNG
Digital Twina digital counterpart of a physical product comprising events and attributes from and about the product. The behavior of the digital twin is customized to deliver an experience that benefits customers and brands across a wide variety of digital applications EVRYTHNG
Digital Watermarkembedded in a noise-tolerant signal such as a digital image, video, or audio file, typically imperceptible to a human observer during normal useDigimarc refers to the digital data encoded in the data-carrying signal as the Payload. Digital watermark is not explicitly equal to Digimarc Barcode in many circumstances. 
Digitized Itemsa physical product that has a digitally enabled tag applied and has been activated in the Digimarc Illuminate platform EVRYTHNG
Direct Enhancementmethod of integrating Digimarc digital watermarks into artwork by subtly altering an existing layer of the artworkSee Overprint EnhancementDMRC
Discoveryact of scanning and detecting, or "discovering," machine-readable identifiers, including Digimarc digital watermark, and delivering associated information or advanced functionality or both DMRC
Dots Per Inch (DPI)measure of two-dimensional spatial dot density of a digital or printed image represented as the number of individual dots that can be placed in a line within the span of 1 inch (2.54 cm)DPI is used to describe pixel resolution in a digital image and printed dots in a printed image. 
Dot Densitydensity of dots per tile in a binary pattern expressed as a percentage of a maximum number of waxels that contain a dotThe maximum number of waxels that can contain a dot marking in a Tile of a binary pattern is 50%. A dot density of 20 means that 10% (20%*50%) of the waxels in a tile contain a dot marking.DMRC
Dot Sizewidth of a dot in pixels at the enhancement resolution in binary enhancementThe enhancement resolution is expressed in pixels at a resolution in DPI. If the WPI is 75, and the enhancement resolution is 300 DPI, then there are 4 by 4 pixels per waxel. Dot size 2, for example, is a dot comprised of two by two pixels.DMRC
Dual Markinginclusion of multiple data carriers on a package to meet advanced use cases while ensuring the basic price look-up use case can be met at all retailers GS1GUIDE
Dynamic Data (Dynamic Attribute Data)data that is not fixed (not static) across a GTIN and may changeThis might include the production date or origin of a product, such as the location and boat where a fish was caught.GS1GUIDE
Electronic Product Code (EPC)standard to provide unique identifiers to products, the canonical representation of an EPC is a URI

The Electronic Product Code™ (EPC) is syntax forunique identifiers assigned to physical objects, unit loads, locations, orother identifiable entity playing a role in business operations.

EPCs have multiple representations, includingbinary forms suitable for use on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, and text formssuitable for data sharing among enterprise information systems.

See GS1.

Encodeprocess that converts data into a data carrierFor example, converting a numeric GTIN into the pattern of lines of a 1D barcode or into subtle variations of Digimarc digital watermark within a package's artwork. 
Enhanceprocess to integrate Digimarc digital watermark into a label or package artwork, enabling it for scanningfka embedDMRC
Enhancementresult of creating and integrating Digimarc digital watermark into product packaging and other substratesFor example, subtly changing the artwork or sparsely printing to integrate machine-readable data.DMRC
Enhancement Resolutionnumber to describe the size of elements and distance from one another per unit area of an image being enhancedSee Waxels Per InchDMRC
Enhancement Strengthvariable intensity setting at which Digimarc watermarks are applied to an image indicating a degree to which artwork color or luminance values are changed by encodingA higher, or stronger, enhancement strength will be more easily detected by machines and may be more visible to consumers.DMRC
Equal Visibility Embeddingvaries the embedding strength based on the predicted visibility to achieve equal visibility across the whole image

This provides some visibility improvement for a significant set of packaging-oriented media.

EVE’s runtime increases quadratically, so enabling it does slow the embed process for large images.

Error Correction Codingtechniques that enable incorrect data introduced by digital conveyance over noisy communication channels to be correctedSee Repetition Coding and Convolutional Coding 
Error Detection Codingtechniques that enable specific errors introduced by conveyance of digital data over noisy communication channels to be identifiedSee CRC 
Fidelityrobustness quality parameter of Digimarc digital watermark measured by assessing message and synchronization components in enhanced artwork DMRC
Fidelity Blockconfigurable image excerpt over which a Fidelity Score is measured

See Fidelity Score

The size of a fidelity block, which is made up of message and synchronization components, is a configurable parameter, currently set to be the size of a tile.

Fidelity Point

center of a Fidelity Block, with which a Fidelity Score for that block is associated

See Fidelity Block and Fidelity ScoreDMRC
Fidelity Score

quantitative measure of scan performance at a point based on assessing detection of Digimarc digital watermark components at that point

Fidelity Score Step Sizeuniform X and Y spacing of Fidelity Points within enhanced artwork, at which Fidelity Scores are computed to construct a Coverage Detection MapSee Fidelity Point, Fidelity Score, andCoverage Detection MapDMRC
Fidelity Score Thresholdapplication-specific Fidelity Score level used to establish the Coverage AreaSee Fidelity Score and Coverage AreaDMRC
Filtermost API end-points support filtering to retrieve or edit only a subset of resources that match certain criteria EVRYTHNG
GS1not-for-profit organization that develops and maintains global standards for business communication

Best known of these standards is the 1D barcode EAN/UPC.

See GS1

GS1 Digital LinkGS1 Standard, including a syntax that defines how to encode GS1 Application Identifiers into a barcode in a URL format GS1 GUIDE
GS1 Digital Link URIURL that conforms to the structure (syntax) defined in the GS1 Digital Link standard GS1 GUIDE
GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)GS1 identification key used to identify trade items, comprising a GS1 Company Prefix, an item reference, and check digit  
High-Reflectance Colorone of various colors that mostly reflects rather than absorbs the 660 nm red light wavelength commonly used by scanners to illuminate packages.

See Red Light Contrast

Such colors appear to a red light scanner as white or as light shades of gray. 660 nm is the light color specified for measuring the print quality of GS1 symbologies.

Human Readable Interpretation (HRI)data characters, such as letters and numbers, which can be read by people and which are encoded in AIDC data carriers


GS1 defines a standard structure and format. The human-readable interpretation is generally a one-to-one illustration of the encoded data.

ICC Profileset of data that characterizes a color input or output device, or a color space, according to standards promulgated by the International Color Consortium (ICC) for color management  
Identifier Recognitionlets you identify EVRYTHNG products and Thngs directly from any web or native application


Identifier Recognition allows a user to take a picture of an object, a QR code, or a barcode and recognize it as an EVRYTHNG product or Thng.

Image Scanner (Imager)electronic device to read barcodes and convert them into multi-level digital signals understandable by a computer device

Imagers generally use 1D or 2D CCD or CMOS sensors to capture the optical data.

Many imagers are equipped to read Digimarc digital watermarks or can be updated to do so.

Industry 4.0name for the current (circa 2020) trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies, including cyber-physical systems, the internet of things, cloud computing and cognitive computing, and creating the smart factory  
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)independent, non-governmental organization, the members of which are the standards organizations of the 164 member countriesISO is the world's largest developer of voluntary international standards and facilitates world trade by providing common standards between nations. 

the Jobs API allows the EVRYTHNG Platform to execute asynchronous long-running jobs, creating or updating many resources

on the Digimarc Platform, Jobs are used to track events and associated data about the production of packaging artwork

For example, applying an action to a group of Thngs.

A packaging watermark (or Custom Data) can have one or more Jobs associated with it

Linear Scanner (Laser Scanner)laser-based scanners developed to scan linear barcodes—the traditional Point of Sale (POS) scannerLinear scanners cannot scan 2D barcodes.GS1GUIDE
Locationa pre-defined type of property for a Thng that stores snapshots of their geographic position over timeA location is stored as a geographic coordinate in GeoJSON format.EVRYTHNG
Low-Reflectance Colorone of various colors that mostly absorbs rather than reflects the 660 nm red light wavelength used by some scanners to illuminate packages

See Red Light Contrast

Such colors appear to a red-light scanner as black or as dark shades of gray. ‎Very low-reflectance colors are challenging to enhance effectively except by using a binary pattern.

Luminance (Luma)brightness in an image

See Chrominance

Luma is typically paired with chrominance – indicating the brightness at which colors are represented.

Luminance Enhancementaltering image pixel values so that changes in the image are primarily in luminance (brightness)See Chrominance Enhancement and Single Channel EnhancementDMRC
Messagesequence of bits consisting of a fixed portion identifying the protocol version and a variable portion that contains a user data payload (for example, a GTIN) with the associated error checking (CRC) bitsSee CRCDMRC
Min Dotminimum dot percent that can be held at pressMin dot is affected by factors such as the printing process, different plating technologies, and the substrates being printed on. For example, a flexographic printer may have a min dot of 2, meaning a 2% dot is the smallest dot they can successfully print at press. 
Multi-Channel Enhancementtechnique that applies Digimarc digital watermark in plural color channels

See Single Channel EnhancementandChrominance Enhancement

Chrominance enhancement is a form of multi-channel enhancement.

Negative Binary Patternsparse pattern of Digimarc digital watermark comprised of light dots or holes in a darker backgroundA Negative Binary Pattern is not an inversion of the dark dots in a Positive Binary Pattern of the same Digimarc digital watermark. Instead, this technique places light dots at the lightest Waxels within a Tile.DMRC
Operatoroperators interact with the EVRYTHNG Platform through the Dashboard or the REST API and supporting SDKs

Operators can be assigned access to create, manage and read Thngs, products, projects applications, roles, and Application Users.

An Operator can be invited to join other accounts.

Optical Scanner (Image-Based Scanner)See Image Scanner GS1GUIDE
Overprint Enhancementmethod that adds Digimarc digital watermark in the form of new elements applied over existing artworkDigimarc digital watermark may also be applied in an underprinted color channel (for example, a binary pattern overprinted with another color channel).DMRC
Payload (User-Encoded Data)binary representation of user encoded dataThe payload is encoded using one of several methods of encoding to carry a desired identifier, such as a GTIN. Digimarc detection software uses the term "payload" for conventional data carriers as well as Digimarc digital watermark. In the case of Digimarc watermarks, the payload is comprised of a Digimarc issued identifier, or identifiers corresponding to GS1 AIs, such as GTIN, lot/batch, and so on.DMRC
Payoffmetadata associated with a servicePayoffs are user-defined through the Print & Audio or Packaging module. A payoff is typically a URL representing a web experience for an end user who has detected the associated payload in digital media using a mobile application that incorporates the Digimarc Mobile SDK (DM SDK).A payoff,represented in the DCE SDK as a property of a service, is the data returned in response to a resolve request. 
Permissionsallow the API to determine whether the request is allowed to proceedA set of permissions is attached to each API key.EVRYTHNG
Pixelsmallest element of a display surface that can be independently assigned attributes such as color and intensity

In digital imaging, a pixel, pel, dot, or picture element is a physical point in a raster image.

Each pixel is a sample of an original image; more samples typically provide more accurate representations of the original. The intensity of each pixel is variable. In color imaging systems, a color is typically represented by three or four component intensities such as red, green, and blue; or cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.

In image sensors, a pixel is an individual light-sensitive element in an array (for example, CCD (charge-coupled device) or CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) device.

Synonymous with picture element.

ISO/IEC 19762
Placesresources corresponding to a place in the real worldFor example a specific geographic position or an abstract place like an address. A place is used to pinpoint an action with a product or Thng.EVRYTHNG
Point of Sale (POS)the time and place where a retail transaction is completedaka Point of Purchase (POP)GS1GUIDE
Positive Binary Patternsparse pattern of Digimarc digital watermark comprised of dark dots on a lighter backgroundThis technique places dark dots at the darkest Waxels within a Tile.DMRC
Premediaany number of activities that happen to a piece of artwork to take it from its original state to a form that is ready for public consumptionThe term was initially created as a way to describe the processing of digital and web communications in the same way that prepress described the print production process. 
Prepress Prooftrial version of a printed item for checking purposes, before the item is printed in quantity

A contract proof usually serves as an agreement between customer and printer and as a color reference guide for adjusting the press before the final press run. Most contract proofs are prepress proofs.

The primary goal of 'proofing' is to serve as a tool for customer confirmation that the entire job is accurate. Prepress proofing (also known as off-press proofing) is a cost-effective way of providing a visual copy without the expense of creating a press proof. If errors are found during the printing process on press, correcting them can prove very costly to one or both parties involved.

Press Sheetsheet printed during a press run and before bindery or conversion functionsPrinting industry term, see Merriam-Webster. 
Process Colorcolor comprised of percentages of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK) typically printed with halftone printing plates

A type of color model, similar to additive color, which involves “process”colorsthat are a combination of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black, or CMYK inks. Eachprocess coloris comprised of percentages of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks.

Extended gamut includes additional colors, such as orange, green, and violet.

From Pantone: achieving color in printing is referred to as CMYK, four–color process, 4/c process or even just process. To reproduce a color image, a file is separated into four different colors: Cyan (C), Magenta (M), Yellow (Y), and Black (K).

Primary Packaginglayer of packaging in immediate contact with a product; the first packaging layer in which the product is contained  
Producta class of objects: SKU-level (Stock-Keeping Unit) information, such as the name, description, URL, images for that product, and other characteristics that all instances of that product share (size, weight, price, and so on)A Thng can be linked to a product to indicate its class-inherited characteristics.EVRYTHNG
Product Digitizationthe act of creating and connecting a Digital Twin in the Digimarc Illuminate platform for a set of physical products for the purpose of enabling digital use cases, such as consumer engagement, brand integrity, and recycling EVRYTHNG
Projecta container for applications and Application Users that provides an easy way to share and work with a subset of the resources that exist in an accountEvery account on the EVRYTHNG Platform can contain one or more projects.EVRYTHNG
Propertystrings, numbers, arrays or objects associated with Thngs and productsUnlike custom fields, changes to properties are timestamped, which allows you to track them over time and view their value history.EVRYTHNG
Pub/Sub Brokera multi-protocol publish/subscribe M2M broker where applications and devices can push and receive notifications (property updates, actions created, and so on) from the EVRYTHNG Platform EVRYTHNG
Raw Imageplot of the reflectance values in x and y coordinates across a two-dimensional image, representing the discrete reflectance values from each pixel of the light-sensitive array

See Reflectance

The raw image can be color or grayscale, the intensity of each pixel being at regularly spaced locations across an image frame. For color image sensors, there is a raw image for each color channel (for example, Red (R), Green (G), Blue (B)).

The term, raw image, is not intended to correspond to the .RAW image file format, or the like, which is a minimally processed file from an image sensor. Digimarc detection and verification softwaregenerally works on the interpolated form of the 'raw' data, in which all channels are uniformly represented as identically-sampled one-sample-per-pixel planes (often individually referred to as 'grayscale' channels).

ISO/IEC 15415
Reactorlets the EVRYTHNG Platform react to an action or a property change using custom business logic rulesFor example, triggering a Slack alert when a property reaches a certain threshold, or updating SAP when an action is performed.EVRYTHNG
Red Light Contrastdifference in grayscale reflectance between a substrate and a color printed on that substrate, when illuminated under red light

fka Delta660 (Δ660)

See Substrate

Red Light Illuminationcolor of the wavelength of light projected by a barcode scanner into the field of view, typically this is upwards of 620nm

The color of light used in most retail barcode scanners.

In GS1 symbol quality specifications, the narrowband illumination peak wavelength is always 660 nm ± 10nm (via GS1 2D Verification Guidelines).

Redirectorallows developers to set up a redirect for scanned URL/QR codes based on rules, such as time of day or locationFor example, a URL (which could easily be encoded in a QR code) could redirect the user based on the day of the week. Not to be confused with Reactor.EVRYTHNG
Reflectanceused to determine contrast by measuring the proportion of light or other radiation striking a surface that is reflected off itReflectance is measured as the percentage of diffuse light coming back relative to a national standard of white, for example, barium sulfate as 100%.ISO/IEC 19762
‎ISO/IEC 15415
Resourcea general term to refer to all the data types and objects stored on the EVRYTHNG PlatformFor example, Thngs, collections, products, places, actions are all considered resources.EVRYTHNG
Restricted Circulation Number (RCN)GS1 identification numbers used for select applications in restricted environments, defined by the local GS1 Member Organization (for example, restricted within a country, company, or industry)UPC-A compatible RCNs use various 3 digit prefixes. Common prefixes in US Retail are 02x and 04xGENSPECS
Resolveprocess by which the Digimarc Resolver service performs a lookup on metadata in a service associated with the payload (user-encoded data) carried in Digimarc watermarks and redirects the user to a URL or image  
Robustnessability of Digimarc digital watermarks to be decoded correctly even if degraded DMRC
Rotationangular orientation at which Digimarc digital watermark is presented to a decoder DMRC

Magnification or shrinking of an image

See Differential Scale

Scale varies with the distance between the artwork and the camera system.

The Digimarc digital watermark detector determines the scale and rotation of a Digimarc watermark and compensates for geometric distortion using the Synchronization Signal.

Scan Performance Assessmentmanual process for grading performance of enhanced packaging on a specific scanner DMRC
Scopedefines by whom resources can be seen, whether in a specific account or project, or by a specific Application UserWhat you can then do with those resources is governed by permissions of the key used to make any given request.EVRYTHNG
Sensor Resolutionnumber of pixels in a camera sensor. The effective spatial resolution in a digital image is determined by the sensor resolution, lens, and distance from the target. If the lens and the distance are fixed, sensors with more pixels can capture more resolution than sensors with fewer pixelsThe more pixels a camera has, the more detail it can capture. 
Serial Numbercode, numeric or alphanumeric, assigned to an individual instance of an entity for its lifetime GENSPECS
Serializationassignment of a globally unique identifier (according to a standard) to an item or packageExample: Microscopes of model AC-2 made by a manufacturer with Company Prefix of 012345, who assigns serial numbers 1234568 and 1234569 together form serialization. For example, a unique individual item may be identified with the combined Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) and serial number (also called SGTIN).DMRC

online representation of metadata corresponding to a data carrier in the Digimarc Platform

Services are the central data structure in the Digimarc platform defined as extensible data containers that are bound to the encoded data value (payload). They have basic fields including name, description, and tags. More dynamic data, such as a URL response, can be stored and accessed by the resolver. The service is associated with the payload and CPM Path, which are then encoded into a data carrier. The data packet response from the resolver to a device is called the payoff. 
Short Domainused for redirectionsBy default, '' is used, but enterprise customers can choose their own domain.EVRYTHNG
Short IDa globally unique, automatically-generated identifier (for example, UYef7Xs7tF39QhR4CAApXhgq)

Every resource has a Short ID.

In addition, for redirection purposes, a shorter ID can be used (for example, 7Bk9E6Rc).

These are unique for a given short domain but aren't in themselves globally unique.

Short URLthe combination of a short domain and a short ID

The Short URL allows individual Thngs and products in the EVRYTHNG platform to be redirected to a web application.

For example,

Signal Rich™ Artaesthetically pleasing machine-readable symbols comprising mathematically derived textures and patternsSignal Rich™ art is not yet available but in development and intended to inspire designers about the future of creating IoT-ready artwork and packaging.DMRC
Single Channel Enhancementtechnique that applies Digimarc digital watermark in a single Color ChannelSee Color Channel, Multi-Channel Enhancement, and Luminance EnhancementDMRC
SmartLabel®program started by the Trading Partner Alliance, a group from Consumer Brands Association and Food Marketing Institute, to define mechanics to deliver web-based product information via digital code on package GS1GUIDE
Software Development Kit (SDK)software libraries that enable third-party developers to incorporate Digimarc's intellectual property within their applications  
Spot Colorcolor generated by an ink (pure or mixed) that is printed using a single runThis is different from a process color, which is produced by overlaying a series of dots on multiple impressions using different colors. 
Spot Color Enhancementtechnique that applies Digimarc digital watermark to a spot color DMRC
Static datadata that is fixed across a GTIN and will not change GS1GUIDE
Stridethe number of bytes from the memory address in the first pixel of one row to the memory address of the first pixel of the next row

Also called pitch, increment, and step size.

When an image is stored in memory, the memory buffer sometimes contains extra padding bytes after each row of pixels. These extra bytes affect how the image is stored in memory, but they don't affect how the image is displayed.

pixel_stride: ‎the number of bytes occupied in memory of one pixel in an image

line_stride: ‎the number of bytes occupied in memory by a row of pixels in an image

Substratebase material to be printed on  
Symbology Identifierstandard that defines how scan data is transmitted over an interface from a scanner to some host systemIt defines identifiers for the data type and framing information for each bundle of data. 
Synchronization Signal (Grid)reference signal that facilitates detection and geometric registration of a Digimarc digital watermark DMRC
Syntaxformat for expressing data  
Taskan asynchronous operation that can be performed on a batch, such as creating or updating Thngs EVRYTHNG
Telemetryprocess of gathering andmeasuring data and informationon targeted variables in technology systems  
Thermal Labellabel printed without using ink by applying heat to a chemically treated substrate that turns a darker colorThermal labelsare frequently used in short-lived applications such as in retail stores on fresh foods and bulk goods to communicate product information, including ingredients, expiration dates, and other data often carried by barcodes. 
Thnga unique instance of a productA Thng acts as a digital container for a physical product, for example, the smart plug in your living room, the t-shirt you're wearing, or the can of soda you're drinking.EVRYTHNG
THNGHUBa Local Cloud Gateway to the EVRYTHNG platformTHNGHUB is a lightweight modular software application that lets you integrate non-IP protocols to the Web and allows local control of connected products.EVRYTHNG
Tilefundamental unit of Digimarc digital watermark, formed by combining an encoded message and Synchronization Signal in a two-dimensional area, which is repeated in whole or in part across artwork or a label

See Waxel

The size of a Tile depends on the resolution of the Digimarc digital watermark in Waxels Per Inch (WPI). For example, a Tile of 128 by 128 waxels at 75 WPI is 43.4 mm x 43.4 mm (1.7 in x 1.7 in), and at 150 WPI is 21.7 x 21.7 mm (0.85 in x 0.85 in).

Trade Itemany item (product or service) with a need to retrieve pre-defined information and that may be priced, or ordered, or invoiced at any point in any supply chain GENSPECS
Translationx and y offset of coordinates in an image block (detection block) relative to coordinates of waxels in a TileIn addition to rotation and scale, the first stage of the Digimarc detector also determines the X and Y translation offset or shift of waxel coordinates in a Tile using the phase information of the synchronization signal. This translation information enables the detector to extract estimates of the Digimarc digital watermark at waxel coordinates within a Tile. 
UnifiedPOS (UPOS)architectural specification for application interfaces to point-of-service devices that are used in a retail environment

UPOS is an abstract object model for peripherals at a POS system, everything from the scanner to the cash drawer. UPOS has no knowledge of how those devices communicate to the host system, as long as the drivers for those devices offer an API that conforms to the UPOS object model. Behind the scenes, the UPOS drivers for a scanner may be using AIM or some proprietary interface defined by the scanner manufacturer.

See Wikipedia

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)string of characters to identify a resource  
Use Casea business process that can be serviced by the Digimarc Illuminate platform for digitized products DMRC
Validationprocess of checking that the data carried in Digimarc digital watermark is both accurate and consistent DMRC
Validation Pointlocation in enhanced artwork that is designated for quality evaluationA data validation process checks the GTIN carried in Digimarc digital watermark, within an inspection area centered at this point, to determine whether the GTIN is correct and consistent with the GTIN in other areas and any 1D barcode in the artwork.DMRC
Variable Data Printing (VDP)form of digital printing, including on-demand printing, in which print elements such as text, graphics, and images may be changed from one printed piece to the next by using information from a database or external file, without stopping or slowing down the printing processVariable data printing enables the printing of variable barcodes, barcodes in which the payload may be changed from one printed piece to the next, for example, at the lot, batch, consumer product variant (CPV), or item level. 
Variable-Measure Trade Itemtrade item that may be traded without a pre-defined measure, such as its weight or length GS1GUIDE
Verificationactivity of measuring Fidelity according to a standard and performing data ValidationSee FidelityandValidationDMRC
Versionfixed protocol portion of a message, identifying how to decode the variable portion of the message DMRC
Visual Appearancesubjective judgment of the visibility of Digimarc digital watermark within artwork by the human eyefka Visibility, PerceptibilityDMRC
Watermarking Element (Waxel)spatial cell in a tile to which a component of a message and synchronization signal may be mappedSee TileDMRC
Waxels Per Inch (WPI)resolution of Digimarc digital watermark represented as waxels per inch DMRC

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