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How do I use Digimarc Discover to detect Digimarc Barcodes in product packaging, print and audio media?

09 April 2021

First, you need product packages or print and audio material enhanced with Digimarc Barcodes. For demonstration examples you can check out immediately, go to: on your desktop computer.

Launch the Digimarc Discover® app on your mobile device. To detect Digimarc Barcodes the app must be in the camera view screen. In a well-lit area, hold your device about 6 to 7 inches away and parallel to the printed page; let the camera focus. If the Digimarc Discover app doesn't detect the Digimarc Barcode right away, slowly move the camera toward the product package or print media until you hear the sound or feel the vibration indicating the Digimarc Barcode was scanned.

Chime and vibration alerts can be turned on or off by tapping the "∙∙∙" icon in the app. Each scan will display the card in the center of screen; which will then fade into a smaller card in the lower area of the screen when the user either scans a new item or following a few seconds after moving away from the scanned content. Each card includes a small badge on the top right corner to display what type of code was scanned. All past and present scans are stored in the activity section for quick retrieval. The microphone and flashlight can be toggled by pressing the microphone or lightning bolt.

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