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Digimarc Packaging Module | Managing Jobs

19 January 2023

An enhancement job provides a way to associate data with a packaging service.

Packaging services can be searched by the GTIN, job name, or job ID (if applicable). Using jobs, you can enhance a package multiple times with different settings, send the package to different printers, or use another artwork file to identify the variables that will achieve the desired results.

NOTE: If you use secure watermarks, enhancers must search for the package service by the job name or ID because the GTIN or other identifier is encrypted.

Each packaging service or custom data entity has one or more jobs. The first job is created automatically when you create a package or a custom data entity in a package. For additional jobs, we recommend naming them using one of the following formats:

Job <#>:<ServiceName>
Job <#>:<ServiceName>, Custom Data:<CustomDataName>

Doing so makes searching for watermarks by job name easier in the enhancement tool.
Enhancement jobs screen

Jobs comprise the following fields:

To add a job:

  1. Click Add Job. A new job is added to the Jobs section.
  2. Type the desired Job Name.
  3. Optionally provide a Job ID.
  4. If the package has only one Custom Data entity, it's selected by default and can't be removed. If the package has more than one custom data entity, you can select the desired Custom Data name with which to associate the job.
  5. Click Save Edits.

NOTE: Jobs can't be deleted.

Manage Job Files

This feature enables you to share the relevant file with enhancers without needing to use email, a file-sharing service, or other methods. You can attach up to five files of up to 100 MB. The kinds of files you might want to attach to a job include:

NOTE: Each filename must be unique per job.

  1. Click Manage Job Files for the job. The Job Files dialog opens.

    Job Files dialog

    • To add a file, click Select Job Files to navigate to the file, or drag and drop the file to the Select Job Files area.

      NOTEEach job can have a maximum of five file attachments.

    • To delete a file, click the delete (trashcan) icon next to the file you want to remove.
    • To download a file, click the download icon next to the file you want to download. The file is saved to your default downloads folder.
  2. Close the dialog when finished.

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