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Best Practices for Enhancing Your Packaging | Overview

09 April 2021

Best Practices for Enhancing Your Packaging | Overview
Best Practices for Enhancing Your Packaging | Package Design
Best Practices for Enhancing Your Packaging | Preparing and Delivering Your Finished Artwork for Enhancement
Best Practices for Enhancing Your Packaging | Print Management and Verification
Best Practices for Enhancing Your Packaging | Enterprise Packaging Summary

Ensuring Success with Digimarc Barcode

Follow this practical guide to ensure the most successful outcome.


Establish the overall program timeline considering the following factors:

  • Packaging replenishment schedule or inventory turnover rates
  • Design process timelines, including brand refresh, nutritional updates, etc.
  • Product promotions with seasonal timing (e.g., Back to School)


Determine the approval process, which may differ from your existing workflow

  • Create your free account on the Digimarc Barcode Manager Portal. For details, please refer to A Guide to Digimarc Barcode Manager.
  • Consider consumer engagement opportunities
  • Get educated about which packages are easiest to start with:
    • Process color (CMYK) boxes and labels are a snap
    • New designs built with Digimarc Barcode in mind are best


Pick the products to enhance

  • How many and which SKUs will be enhanced?
  • Consult with Digimarc for assistance with selection

NOTE: The best way to experience the benefits of Digimarc Barcode is to distribute enhanced packaging to store shelves.

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